Make it a Merry Christmas for bandicoot babies
We need your help to build a nursery for baby bandicoots!
Australia’s mammal extinction crisis is most painfully felt by our Critical Weight Range mammals, who are just the right size for a fox or cat to eat for dinner. The populations of these species have suffered greatly since Europeans arrived, with many driven to extinction.
Here in the Otways we are very worried for the Long-nosed Bandicoot and Southern Brown Bandicoot, who are ideal fox snack size.
Not only are these small mammals adorable, but they also play an important role in the health of our forests, turning over huge amounts of soil in their search for delicious fungi. They help to maintain healthy soils and ecosystem balance within our stunning Otways forests and woodlands.
So together, what can we do about it?
With your help, we’re planning on building a Bandicoot Nursery ?
For as long as our small mammals still face these grave threats in the wild, breeding programs remain crucial to both improving our understating of these species and ensuring they have a future.
This Christmas, we’re seeking support to help us establish an on-site breeding program for bandicoots here at the Conservation Ecology Centre.
We have an existing enclosure on-site which was previously used for wildlife rehabilitation, but it needs a bit of a renovation to help the bandicoots – and this is where you come in.
We hope you will consider donating to the Conservation Ecology Centre this Christmas to help us ensure a bright future of bandicoots in the Otways.
This Christmas, every dollar you donate will be matched by another funder, ensuring that this important project receives the funding it needs to succeed.
The bandicoots living at the Conservation Ecology Centre will be able to live and breed in safety and, in time, they will play a key role in education and engaging the wider community in conservation.
In the future, their offspring may even support species recovery programs to re-establish bandicoot populations in the wild.
Any donation this Christmas will help us construct our bandicoot nursery, to ensure that these beautiful animals are able to live on and continue to educate and inspire us all.
I urge you to hurry. In order to complete the nursery and help the bandicoots we must move quickly.
You can donate online right now at:
Thank you. The future of our beautiful native species depends on generous people like you.
(Photo: A Southern Brown Bandicoot ready for reintroduction in NSW. Jake Krauss)
Our former wildlife rehabilitation enclosure is in need of some TLC to turn it into a home for breeding baby bandicoots. You can see the work we have planned below. We hope you can help make this dream a reality this Christmas and secure a future for our native bandicoots.