Inala Swart

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Inala has been passionate about wildlife and ecology since day one. Raised in south-eastern Victoria, a childhood spent exploring the bush and learning way too many animal facts eventually led to her studying her Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Zoology in beautiful lutruwita/Tasmania. Her Honours project focused on forty-spotted pardalotes and their relationship with their key food resource, Eucalyptus viminalis.

Since graduating, Inala has worked with Australian Wildlife Conservancy on their Mallee Cliffs feral-proof enclosure and mammal reintroduction project. She also volunteers on a range of causes close to her heart, most notably the Tasmanian Orange-bellied Parrot Program, which has instilled in her equal passions for the role of captive management in species recovery and a maybe over-the-top love of buttongrass moorland.

Inala is excited to learn about the specific ecology and conservation challenges of the Otway region and hopes to develop a broad suite of conservation skills. She is particularly interested in how science-informed management and novel strategies can help build ecological resilience in the face of an anthropogenic world,