Carol-Ann Chabot

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Carol-Ann’s passion for nature led her to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Science majoring in Biology at Université Laval in Québec, specializing in animal ecology. She then continued her academic journey with a Master’s Degree in Biology at the University of Ottawa in Ontario, focusing on the life-history consequences of the age at first reproduction, capitalizing on the long-term research on Yellow-bellied Marmots in Colorado. Throughout her studies, she participated in various projects, including wetland characterization, assessment of reproductive performance of the Black- and Brown-capped Chickadees, and nest selection in the Spotted Pardalote. Furthermore, Carol-Ann played a key role in the UniC International Student Network on Climate Action, organizing conferences and activities for the 2021 summit.

Despite being from the cold French-speaking region of Canada, her curiosity for Australia’s wildlife dates back to primary school. Upon completing her studies, she eagerly jumped on a plane to visit Australia. Having the chance to work with the Conservation Ecology Centre, she looks forward to gaining practical skills in conservation methods and exploring the incredible biodiversity of the Otways.